Empowering Maker Education

Our Solutions and Services

Tailored Solutions for Schools, Makerspaces, & Families

For Schools

Ensure your students' learning is future-ready with our tailored makerspace professional development & consulting. We provide vital support to educators, fostering innovation and equipping students for the future

Our 3D Printing Curriculum is a journey into the world of design, engineering, and creativity. From the basics of 3D modeling to complex 3D printing projects for students, we cover everything your students need to become confident creators.

For Families, Hobbyists & Makerspaces

Prepare your child for a future valuing creativity, problem-solving, technical proficiency, and empathy. Our experienced tutors provide personalized Maker & STEAM tutoring, focusing on essential skills like 3D design, coding, and more.

Dive into Making with our 'Build, Create, Innovate: Maker Courses.' Led by experienced teachers, master essential skills, create innovative designs, and bring your ideas to life.

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